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Posted by Domosno on 15 March 2023

French tax time to pay

log into Impots.gouv to pay your French property tax

If you’re looking to pay your land property tax (taxe fonciere) online, it’s crucial to follow the correct steps. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process smoothly.

Step 1: Log into Your “Impot.gouv” Account
To start, you’ll need to log into your “impot.gouv” account. If you’ve lost your login details, don’t worry, you can follow the steps in this guide to retrieve them: “Lost your impot.gouv login details? Here’s what to do”

Step 2: Click on the Payment Tab

Once you’re logged in, you’ll be directed to your account homepage. Look for the “paiement” (payment) tab, which is highlighted in red. Click on it to proceed to the next step.

Access the French tax details

Step 3: Next, the payment for the property tax will be found under the first “IMPÔTS” (taxes)” section and not under “FACTURES LOCALES” (local bills) Look for the “Accéder” (access) button, highlighted in red, and click on it to proceed.

Check French tax paid or to be paid

Step 4: You will be directed to a page that shows different tax information depending on the individual. On this page, you can view all the payments made and those that remain to be paid. This includes property land tax (taxe fonciere), impôt sur le revenu (income tax), and council tax (taxe d’habitation). The section highlighted in green at the top allows you to select the relevant year and tax assessment. To view everything that remains to be paid, I recommend selecting “tous impôts” (all taxes) under the “1 impôt” (1 tax) line and “2023” under the “3 Année” (3 year) line.

Next, you will need to validate a payment only if you see a “to be paid” line, as shown in the image below under the red box. Click on the amount to validate the payment (€35 in the example).

Select tax to pay and click pay

Step 5: Finally, you will be directed to the last page, which shows the remaining amount to be paid to the French tax authorities. Simply select the amounts to be paid (red arrow) and click on “Payer” (pay). In the example below, there are three payments remaining to be made (the €35 payment and two others that are blurred out). In my example, this is for the council tax (taxe d’habitation), but you will see the same information for property land tax (taxe foncière).

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