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Saint-Gervais, the thermal Spa destination to cure children from all over France

Posted by Domosno on 2 January 2024

Last year, the Thermes de Saint-Gervais Mont-Blanc welcomed nearly 300 children to treat their skin and respiratory tract pathologies. A gentle alternative to medicinal treatments. These three weeks in the mountains also allow families to break from an often heavy and isolating daily routine. In short, a real bubble of well-being!

In Saint-Gervais-Mont-Blanc, the subsidised children’s treatments take place all year round, with a peak during the months of July and August. Families can thus combine thermal treatment and school holidays in a mountain destination offering a thousand and one activities for all audiences. In 2022, 60% of the young spa guests at the Thermes, mostly aged between 4 and 12 years, underwent a dermatology treatment, a field in which the facility is renowned. The remaining 40% are divided between those who receive treatments for ENT and respiratory pathologies and those with dual treatments, as skin and respiratory problems are often linked.

Numerous attentions for the young spa guests

The Haute-Savoie establishment pays special attention to children and adolescents, for whom medical treatment can seem like an ordeal. “We welcome them in a personalized way,” explains Elodie Lombardot, the commercial and marketing director. “We have created documents for them that we give upon arrival to demystify the treatment, explain what they will do during the three weeks here, and why. The goal is to build their confidence, reassure them, and give them courage because a treatment is tiring and some therapies are strenuous.” The little spa-goer’s booklet offers colouring and games. They also have access to the Bains du Mont-Blanc thermal spa with their parents or guardians during their stay. An enjoyable thermal water experience. At their departure, the children receive Snow, a little plush sheep, as a gift, nodding to the history of the Saint-Gervais thermal baths: the first hot water spring with a sulfur odour was known to shepherds whose animals particularly appreciated the always green grass nearby! “We have also designed a sticker calendar to record the emotions of the day and receive their little spa-goer’s diploma once it’s filled out”. A way to congratulate them for successfully overcoming this challenge!

Severely burned at 7 years old, Titouan Ollivier-Le Courvaisier, now 13, has been undergoing treatment at the Thermes de Saint-Gervais every year. Aurélie Le Corvaisier is the mother of Titouan, 13 years old. In May 2017, this young Breton, then 7 years old, suffered a domestic accident, leaving him severely burned. After his first skin grafts, the Kerpape rehabilitation centre, near Lorient, recommended a thermal treatment. His parents chose Saint-Gervais, nearly 1000 kilometers from their home but renowned for 60 years in treating severe burns and a popular mountain destination. Today, after eight treatments already followed by Titouan, Aurélie is still pleased with this choice, which is also now favoured by the child’s grandmother to treat her psoriasis! “From the first day of treatment in late 2017, the effects of the Saint-Gervais thermal water were spectacular on Titouan’s skin inflammation and itching,” Aurélie reports, noting how much his facial and arm skin has improved in six years. “Burn victims need to come here as early as possible in their care journey because the effectiveness of the treatment is really striking yet still little known.” The young mother praises the expertise and kindness of the caregivers. “Titouan even considers the Saint-Gervais thermal baths as his second family.”

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