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Posted by Domosno on 16 June 2023

Non-Residents: How to register with the French Revenue for the first time?

If you purchase a property in France but reside outside the country and are a tax resident elsewhere, it is important to note that you must still register with the French tax office. This registration enables you to fulfil your tax obligations related to the property, such as declaring the rental income.

To begin the process, you must apply for a “numéro fiscal,” which is essentially a fiscal number or tax identification number. This unique identifier will grant you access to the French Revenue website to conveniently report and manage your rental income.

Obtaining a numéro fiscal typically involves submitting an application to the tax office in France. The application may require specific documents and information, such as proof of property ownership, identification documents, and evidence of your residency abroad. It is advisable to consult the official website of the French tax authority or seek professional assistance to ensure you meet all the necessary requirements and submit a complete application.

Once you have acquired your numéro fiscal, you can proceed with registering your rental income through the designated online platform provided by the French tax authorities. It is crucial to accurately report your rental income to fulfil your tax obligations in France.

You need to send your details in an email with a copy of your valid passport to


Email body:

Dear Sir, Madam,

Thank you for registering me with the French tax office and sending me my fiscal number with 13 digits. Passport attached. Let me know if you need more info.

(Madame, Monsieur, Merci de me communiquer mon nouveau numéro fiscal à treize chiffres. Passeport ci-joint. Je reste à votre entière disposition.)

(Please include the French denomination for each line)

1. Your surname (maiden name for women) (Nom de naissance)
2. Surname you use, for example if married woman (Nom d’usage)
3. First name and any middle name(s) (Prénom(s))
4. Date of birth with 00/00/0000 format (Date de naissance)
5. Country where you were born, best to write in French like “Royaume-Uni” for UK (Pays de naissance)
6. Regional area/county where you were born (Devon for example if you were born in Exeter) (Département de naissance)
7. City where you were born (Ville de naissance)
8. Your email (adresse mail)
9. Telephone number including international dialling code. For example for UK 00 44 78 7878 7878 (Téléphone)
10. Your full address abroad, including postcode and country (Adresse à l’étranger)

When you have included these details in your email, send it to

Then you will receive the 13-digit French fiscal number and you will be able to enter your personal space (“Votre espace particulier”) at French tax office website

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